»Wednesday, July 06, 2005«
Finding My Way
Okay, I'm back and I think I've figured this thing out...thanks to Justin for the links, love you! Well, anyway..the holiday was fun. We watched fireworks and had a nice little picnic.......until it started to rain!! Why God, why!? So, unfair...but thankfully everyone didnt get too wet. My kittens are now 3 weeks old and getting cuter by the minute...if you want one...call me..Lol Caycie is finally back...Woot! and Josh is back..double Woot! And Justin is such a great friend...Triple Woot! points for him..hehe.. Well, im just rambling now..so Imma go..ttyl..
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 6:37 AM |
Unknown commented at 12:12 PM~
its what im here for beatiful :-P
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