»Monday, August 08, 2005«
Okay, first off, I agree with Caycie and Casey in saying that the Dukes of Hazzard movie is totally worth $6 bucks to see. Maybe even double that. Mr. & Mrs. Smith was an awesome movie too. Just imagine Laura Croft and Rusty Ryan from Oceans Eleven together. Yeah, it's that hilarious! And for Madagascar being an animated movie...it's pretty damn funny! House of Wax was good but it could've been a lot better, in my opinion. Well, that's the movie updates for now. Talk to ya'll later.
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 6:42 PM |
Unknown commented at 11:24 PM~
angelina jolie....very large lips..and very very large........ermm....lips..:|
~*Casey*~ commented at 11:04 PM~
I LOVE YOU JENN!! And anyone who doesnt think it aint worth-go fly a kite.
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