»Friday, August 19, 2005«
Confused and Frustrated!
Some people might say I'm a little over dramatic, but this is the way that I feel. And it hurts so bad knowing that someone you care about doesn't like you as much as you do them. And you can't help but wonder if their holding up a front. Pretending to like you for some odd reason, or for a particular person. But they can't tell you because said reason or said person would disapprove of it. Sometimes I feel like I don't belong in the group of friends that I am in. On most days I get along great with some of them, but other days I just don't fit in. And it's on those days with those said people, where I doubt my whole friendships with them all together. And people who don't appreciate my groups and the hard work that I put into my pages, I don't get along with very well. So, if you have a problem with me, fine. You should be honest about it and don't pretend to want to be apart of something and than change your mind at the last minute without any explanation, and disappoint me. It doesn't have to be this complicated. When people say they care about me and that they'll always be there for me, it means a lot. And then to just go and take all that away in a split second, doesn't make you a very great, so called "friend". If you really cared, than you'd just be honest and upfront in the first place. But it's not always like that. Most people have to go on wondering if their friends are really their friends, or if they have your back or not. I guess now a days it does have to be that complicated. What bothers me most is when people tell you they like you, but then a split second later they're ragging on you. What's worse is when they tell you "It's nothing personal", or "No offense". Why do people always say no offense, when they're about to offend someone? Gets you thinking about who really likes you and who doesn't. It's more than just saying you're friends with someone. You gotta act like it, dammit! Now, this isn't a cry for attention. Someone told me to be honest and say what I feel, and that's exactly what I'm doing. If you think it's you who I'm talking about, don't hesitate to ask me about it and I'll be honest with you. Just don't get mad when you're the one who pisses me off.
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 10:51 PM |
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