»Friday, August 26, 2005«
Lilly Skywalker!
I got my friend coming over here tonight...and she's gonna be staying the weekend, so I don't know how much I am going to be online. But I will definitely try to be on. SO Gotta finish that past RP. Anyway, I also have another family reunion on Saturday...and I won't be online until Sunday night. Probably real late too, because I have to go to my whore cousins Bridal Shower. She's such a tramp. She's 19 and she's already cheated on her fiancé
like10 times now. I give it two weeks, if they even get married that is. Now my Uncle is on me and my sisters backs about getting engaged. We're like "WTF! we're not gonna rush into getting married just because everyone else is.." Besides, I'd only marry that fast if it were Brian Krause or someone even hotter like Tom Welling or Justin Hartley :P. Oh, by the way, my aunt April, who's 26, is also getting married. She's the mother of Destiny. I guess April and Tom (Des' dad) got back together after he left his wife again. Yeah my aunt is a f-in home wrecker, just like Keeleigh :P lol..I'm kidding Caycie.. But, on a happier note....This Reunion is gonna be not so bad because my mom is throwing it...and at a park no less. Instead of the one I went to last week that was in a fricken garage. But anywho, this one won't be so bad because I'm gonna have Abby (Lilly) there with me to talk to. So, That's it for now....post later.
Blessed Be,
-Jennifer Marie Krause-
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 3:37 AM |
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