»Saturday, April 08, 2006«
Friday Night!
Heya! I just got back from walking my sisters little tripod pup. Okay, lets see ...Friday night was awesome, and I had a lot of fun. Josh and I went to a restaurant called CHAMPS. We had drinks while we waited for a table, then we ate dinner. After that we went to see Ice Age 2 - The Meltdown. That movie was so funny! And we were holding hands throughout the entire movie -- and I was nervous and first, with the whole butterflies in the stomach thing...but yah ..after awhile I fealt really comfortable with him and I had a great time. Wow, that's like a really long run-on sentence. *Blinks* Anyway, we kinda got lost in Lansing trying to find the way back to my house, but it was all good. Just meant more time that I spent with him. lol. Oh, and next Friday I'm going to go to his house, so that should be fun. ...and off topic random-ness, why would Charmed air their NEW Episode on Easter Sunday, when nobody will be watching it? Grr.. This probably means that I won't be able to see it, what with family time and everything. *sighs* Ah well, I guess I'll just have to download the episode like Josh does. lol. And I can't wait until Thursday to see Lex and Lana hook up and kiss...and all that good stuff. It's not Chlex, but still ...... Anywho, back on topic -- Umm yah..Josh is a really great guy. He's cute and he has a sense of humor, which is awesome. Not to mention the fact that he likes Charmed and Smallville -- Unlike Zac, who is an asshole btw. Oh, and he's a good kisser -- that's always a plus. lol. Hmm, what else ...ahh yes ..he likes kids...hehe.. and puppies ..lol ..funtimes... Off topic again -- .. April told Destiny about her being pregnant and what not and Destiny says "Mommy, you're not pregnant -- I am.." It was too cute, but I guess you'd have to of been there. Well, I guess I'll talk to ya'll later, because right now mom and I are going to Holt to Lacy's mom's house -- so we can get that bitches address and I can get my flippen video camera cord back! ....ttylBlessed Be,--Jenn--
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 12:34 PM |
~*Casey*~ commented at 11:17 AM~
sounds like you had a blast. lol..I wanna see that movie it looks so funny. So I take it you really like this guy -winks- go jenn, go jenn :P lol...
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