»Tuesday, January 03, 2006«
My New Year's Resolution!
I think that maybe for my New Year's Resolution, I'm going to spend alot more time with my family and friends. I know that, that probably doesn't sound like a big deal..but it kinda is to me. The only friend I see is the one that lives like 10 minutes away. Seriously, I'm closer to my online friends...than I am with my actual ones. See, I move around ALOT. Like every year...and it's difficult to make new friends, and with me being out of school now it makes it harder....so I guess I have to deal with that. But, I'm gonna try extra hard to get in touch with the friends that I haven't seen in years, and see if they wanna get together. If it works... will be up to them, but hey, at least I tried right? But beyond that, something that I can really achieve that would make me proud..is to graduate College, and maybe someday actually get my flippen' license, use my student loans to get a car, snf then maybe be able to get a job where I can drive myself to work...lol. That'll be the day...Ttyl..P.S. Destiny went home last night, and she wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be. I got lots of cute pics. 43 to be exact, but I can't seem to get them onto my computer to show people. Hmm, but as soon as I figure that out..I'll have some pics of her and the new puppy up real soon.
P.S.S. Isn't Brian looking hott? Mmmm, yeah..I liked to meet him for my New Year's Resolution, but I know that, that is just far beyond realistic....
Blessed be,-Jenn-
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 5:14 AM |
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