»Monday, December 05, 2005«

Blessed Be,
P.S. On another note...proving how stupid my drunken Grandma really is. The weekend that Leo was dieing on Charmed, my mom was at her house..and was asking her if she got the WB...she said she did...but my Aunt April kept saying that she didn't..and she was flipping through the channels. Then my Grandma's like why do you watch Charmed? That's a kids' show..." My mom just ignored her ..and asked her again if she had the WB because she didn't wanna miss Leo dieing.. So, my Grandma's like "Didn't he already die? That was on just last week..about him being Mortal ..and having to find his family again..." Well, yeah ..that did happen...but that was last season!!.. OMG, can people be anymore stupid? So, my mom was like "Well, I'm sure that was the last episode you saw..but that was probably a re-run from TNT.." And my grandma ..went on about why she wants to watch a kid show anyway. My mom asked "What makes it a kid show?" My Grandma replied "Well, it's all about witches ..and their whitelighter..and they do magical spells and potions..and fight demons...and the whole fairytale stuff they have on there is kiddy stuff.." My mom just sat there and laughed. Y'know what I would'a said? I would'a said: "How dumb can you be!? Obviously if you know that much about it ..you watch it to, you moron! So, why in the hell would you nag on a grown up for watching it..when you're older than her!? Get a life!" .. But yeah, that's just me.. lol Wow, that was a long P.s.. but anyway..I gotz to go..
Blessed Be Again,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 6:35 AM |

- ~*Casey*~ commented at 2:01 AM~
-mocks you- "That is so last season", lol. I used to be one of those ppl who said "why watch Charmed, its stupid" yes, I know...but times have changed and thanks to Caycie I am no longer like that. I dont know where I would be without my Phoebe and Cole-ness. People just need to give it a chance, who knows they might end up like me!
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