»Tuesday, September 20, 2005«
GM Picnic...
Okay, Saturday morning I went to a picnic for my moms work. It was alright I guess. They had the usual stuff...games for the little kids, like candy hunts, sack races, bucket toss, pinyata's and pie eating contest. They had stuff for the adults too, like, water balloon toss, trivia games, and of course there was Bingo. I won $1.00 lol But anyway, there was also a raffle and stuff..and I won a really cool little flashlight thing, and this really cool looking purple and black thermos/water jug thing. And after we ate ...I had to judge a dessert contest, so I had to stuff my face when I was already full. And there was this raspberry pie that I had to judge...and I gave it a 0 without even trying it because I hate raspberries. Then, when we were playing Bingo... these gay ass clowns kept yelling out "BINGO!, just kidding.." It was so fricken annoying, I wanted to get up and just punch one in the face. Especially when the chick had only called out like 3 numbers. There's no possible way anyone could even win yet. Then the fat clown came over and asked if I wanted a balloon made. Apparently, I look like a little kid. -sighs- But anywho, I told him if he could make me a Charmed balloon than I would want it....and he was all like, a what? ... I hate clowns with a passion.....they're worse than mimes. After Bingo we all went home because I was bored out of my skull. But, yeah, that's what happened on Saturday.. ttyl
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 1:25 AM |
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