»Sunday, August 28, 2005«
Well, I'm back from my family reunion. It's was fricken awesome! A couple of my cousins that were my age showed up...(Tommy and Brett) ..I haven't seen them in like 7 years or so..and they've changed A LOT! But anywho, Brett has a son now and he's so cute. Destiny was there, of course and she made quite a few friends on the playground near the reunion. My friend Abby and I was playing on the playground just before everyone got there. It was this huge Play Thing, we called it the Millennium Falcon, because the little kids on there liked Star Wars. The little boy kept on telling Abby and I that he was in love with us. And his sister is like, "Don't do that anymore, you know mom told you not to say that to all the teenage girls you see..." But it was so cute, because he kept saying it...and NO this was not one of my relatives. Lol The reunion was great, the food was great and my family is weird....according to Abby. At the end of the day...everyone broke out into a water fight.. :P It was ........interesting. I got like 6 people soaked. I had a lot of fun..and am definitely looking forward to next year. Ttyl.
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 8:54 AM |
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