»Tuesday, September 06, 2005«
Bored as Hell...

I'm actually quite sick at the moment...not mentally either, physically .. lol.. Anyway, I was sick all last night and I had to keep a box of tissues next to my bed. Right now I can't stop sniffling.

But anywho, Caycie just got back last night/this morning and I stayed up and Rp'd with her for a bit. I felt like crap, sniffleing and sneezing every five minutes..but I missed her so much...and I didn't wanna go to bed..because I couldn't sleep. I'm also excited about Spring Break. I'm not sure if I'm going with Josh to California yet or not....I have like $3,084 in the bank...so that's not a problem. I have to see if he actually wants me to go with him or not...and also I have to find a way to get a week off of work. -sighs again- Life is so comlicated. I know I said that already but anyway, I'm like so far behind in all my Role Play sites...and that's mostly why I haven't posted on here in awhile. Jenny is leaving for a week, next Monday. -sniffles- And that's not because I'm sick...I'm really going to miss her. I think I'm going to some kind of crafts thing with my mom and Destiny sometime this week, but I'm not sure when yet. I will let ... "Gawd, I can't stop sneezing, I think I'm allergic to my computer.." Anyway, as I was saying...I will let ya'll know what day I'm leaving so you know that I won't be on. But, I'm actually gonna go now..because I feel like crap and I think I need some soup and some sleep. I will be back on later tonight. Much Love..
Blessed be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 9:13 AM |

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