»Monday, August 29, 2005«
Hmmm...for the lack of a better title.

Blessed Be,
"Okay, I'm back now. I was playing a computer game, The Sims 2 and now I can officially say that Sims Kee is knocked up once again. I have no idea if it's gonna be a girl or a boy, but let's HOPE...lol.. that it is a girl. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I have this Role Play I'm doing with Leo and Kee and their 2 kids, NeVaeh and Kolby...well now Kee is pregnant again, so I had to go in the game and make her pregnant too. hehe It was fun.. lol ..Anyway, she's pregnant now...and the baby's name is going to be Hope....and I don't have to worry about playing the game again and updating it for another 9 months. Okay, I'm not gonna be on Friday, because I have to work late..so I guess that means I'll be back on the weekend...unless of course I have to work the weekend too. It's complicated that I really don't know my schedule but that's just because I'm weird... :| Well, I guess I'll post something else later because I have no idea of what else to say right at this moment..."
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 10:20 PM |

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