»Monday, September 12, 2005«
Hello, my beautiful readers..
"Okay, so I'm back and I guess since I haven't posted in awhile I should actually have something remotely interesting to talk about huh? Well, I guess I do...a lot actually, so here it goes. My sister came to visit us awhile ago, with my little cousin Destiny. We all went to the beach and went out for ice-cream, where I work. A couple days after that. My mom, brother and I all went Up North to Mount Pleasant..to go to my twin brothers house and see if they wanted to go out to dinner, but they weren't there. So, we ended up going to the Casino, because we figured that's where else they would be..because they're always there. Anyway, we found them there playing poker..and my dad was there too, so they put a hold on their games and we all went out to dinner. It was at Taco Bell, but hell..it was damn good :P . After that we dropped the twins and my dad back off at the casino, and then we went to Joann's fabrics store...and my brother bought some sewing stuff. Yeah, he sows -blinks- Anywho, after that I made my mom take me to Best Buy, so I could get the Charmed Season 2 DVD box set. After that ..we went home and I put in Charmed and watched the whole thing. I actually saw some stuff that I haven't seen, or remembered before. I saw a couple of mistakes on the shows behalf, but it was all good, because I love Charmed no matter what. Well, not no matter what...I mean if they killed off Leo ...I would fly to L.A. and personally cut off Brad Kerns balls with a meat cleaver and throw them into a boiling vat of chicken grease, but that's just me.... lol. After Charmed I got online and talked to Britt, Caycie, Kody and Josh. We tried to get an RP started but it didn't really happen. Oh well. Anyway, earlier tonight Caycie and I rp'd for a little bit..then she left at 3:00 am. I guess that's all I have to say right now. My fingers are too cold to type anymore..and I'm kinda tired..so I will post back later."
Blessed Be,
-Jenn Krause-
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 6:25 AM |
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