»Wednesday, November 30, 2005«
Movies!! - Two for the price of one?
"Okay, as some of you know, we have my little cousin Destiny over here again ...and her mom gave us $50 to go take her to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. So, okay..yeah..I wanted to see it anyway..and well, now we have the opportunity to go see it for free. Anyway, we got a lot for $50, two buckets of popcorn, three pops, bunch of candy....it was great! The movie was awesome...really funny. There wasn't one part that I didn't find amusing. I think now that the characters are getting older, it's getting better. Anyway, it was about 6:30 pm when that movie got over..and we were walking out when my brother stopped and looked up at the next movie showing. It was right across the hall from where we were at and it started at 6:45 pm. Both my mom and I looked at him and said, "No, we have to go.." But he just walked in anyway, then Destiny followed him..and we were like, "What the hell?" So, we all just wound up going in and...we waited for the previews and everything to start before we got refills on popcorn and pop so we wouldn't get caught, but yeah. So, we get to the actual movie, it's called RENT by the way...and it was nothing but singing! I don't know about you people..but I hate musicals. If they were on Broadway sure....maybe...but in a flippin' theatre!..I don't think so." It was a free movie and all..so we just walked out...and everyone in there just watched us leave. They were probably wondering what the hell we were doing. But once we got outside into the lobby we yelled. "RENT is so not worth wasting your money on! Don't go and see it...it sucks!!!" Really loud. It was hilarious..Then we got home at about 7:00 pm and I couldn't get online because my POS internet wouldn't work again! I was so mad...but I ended up taking a shower and going straight to bed. But yeah, that was my day....lol..

- ~*Casey*~ commented at 12:48 PM~
you spent the $50 on all that? we usually get our candy somewhere else cause its cheaper and we can get more. I was going to see HP last weekend but it was sold out, stupid people. Anywayz love the p.s. part!
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