First off, I just wanna say that Charmed was Awesome! Just like I said it was gonna be..because Leo was getting hit on...and he took off his shirt!!! This is going to be the best episode of Season 8 ..and I'm sticking to that.. Poor Leo got punched in the face though..awww.. Anywho..back to my weekend..
Okay, on Saturday I went to my cousins wedding. Her name is Heather and she's 19. I'll put a pic up of her and Kevin
[her husband] when I get them developed. The wedding was really nice...very pretty..kinda boring, but nice. I got it on film for my sister because she had to work and couldn't make it. Umm, then we went to the wedding reception, which was awesome. First off...my aunt and uncle are rich..so it was really amazing. The cake

was beautiful, the hall was great, and the decorations were wonderful. They had the punch bowl made out of ice..and there was this huge fruit/flower sculpture, very pretty. And the tables had wine glasses and like 3 sets of silverware per person, peanut dishes and salads..and a buffet. And these plants that were fish bowls on the bottom..they had beta fishes in them...I took one home. I guess we were suppose to have 1 per family but we ended up with like 5.. lol Oh, and the best thing ever, there was an Open Bar Baby! .. Alcohol...and nobody even carded anyone...which was odd...but like I cared. lol.. Actually, I don't think that anybody noticed that they weren't carding anybody. But oh well. I had a couple beers with my sister and her boyfriend, Jason. But mostly all night I drank Captain and Coke. My brother Johnnie, my aunt April, my cousin Danny, my cousin Melissa....and my grandma were wasted. I'm sure they're were others wasted...that I didn't see...like the BRIDE! Yes, Heather was drunk..and I'm sure she was trying to hide it because she was drinking water the rest of the night. They also had a DJ and dancing. It was crazy because most of the people were drunk. My aunt April kept hitting on the Best Man. He said he was 22, which was cool..cuz she's only 26...but later that night we found out that he had a girlfriend, and April was like "You have a girlfriend? Okay bye bye.." then we smiled and walked away. Heather and Kevin got to ride away in a stretch limo..it was really nice. Lets see ..what else happened. Oh yeah, my cousin Danny brought his girlfriend, Christine. She was a crazy bitch! First off...she kept nit picking about him drinking when she was drinking herself. Second, she got jealous of me...because she saw Danny put his arm around me..when we were on the dance floor....and then she just turned around and walked away. I'm like... "What's with her?" ..and Danny's like.. "She's pissed at me now...but don't worry I'll deal with it later..." I mean Hello! I'm his cousin! That's disgusting. And later...I don't know if they talked or not...but me, Danny and my sister were up at the bar...and we were all ordering something. Then Christine comes up and starts talking to Danny, and he puts his arms around us, because the bartender said that we looked cute together or something like that. He had like this Irish accent and stuff..it was weird...And Christine got all bitchy and started yelling at Danny. He was like "Relax, they're my cousins.." and she's like "I know that Danny! I was just talking to them!" Then she stormed off again. I was like "
OMG, what a bitch!" really loud...then Shelly and I took our drinks and walked outside to where Jason was. It was cold as hell but I guess you can't smoke inside..because of all the little kids, so I was outside waiting for them to finish their cigarettes. Later on....I met Danny back at the bar ..and I orderd another Captain and Coke...then he took it from me...
.[He was wasted at this point] ..and I was like "What are you doing, give me my drink back.." and he's like.. "Are you okay?" Im like "Yah...can I have my drink now?" and I tried to take it...and he pulled it away..and was like "Who am I?" Im like "You're my cousin....." Hes like "Cousin who?" and I said.. "You're my cousin, Danny Doyle...and I want my f***ing drink back.." lol .. Then he laughed and gave it back to me.... Destiny was the flower girl...and that was so adorable..she was dancing with the little ring bearer at reception. Cutest thing ever! Later that night, I danced with Kevin
[The groom]....but mid dance some whore walked up to him and he ignored me completely, so I walked away and started dancing with a drunk April and Melissa. When Heather threw the bouquet...she cheated and threw it right to the maid of honor...actually it was more like handing it to her. Then when Kevin went to fling the garter belt thingy. My brother Johnnie was up there waiting.. and the best man just walked up and took it out of Kevin's hands before he could fling it. Johnnie was mad..because it wasn't fair. He went back to the table and was telling us about it.. "I could've so jumped over all those people and got that garter." .. My mom was like .."Good thing you didn't because you would've had to put it on the Brides maid with your teeth." Johnnie was like "Yeah right...I would've wanted to do that!" It was funny....but drunk people usually are...unless you have a girlfriend
*coughChristinecough* who keeps bitching and nit picking about every little thing that you do. Anyway, my sister and I heard a little bit more about Johnnie then we ever wanted to know. He kept telling us about this Asian girl he once dated...and how they were rough in bed and shit like that, but they couldn't be trusted. And how they had sex like 3 times a night every weekend. We were like
OMG! Shut up man! He kept going on about how he wants a whore, just so he can sleep with her. And he was watching one of the Brides Maids.....and we asked why..and he said "Because she's the trashy one...she's cheap...and It wouldn't be hard to get into her pants.." well her dress.. lol. I really don't think that I wanna be around my brother when he's drunk anymore. And my other brother Ron, kept putting things in his shirt...and stealing them.. lol ..it was great! Like he put the peanuts in his shirt pocket..and the butter...then my brother Andy..took the butter knife. he's like "You can't have butter without a butter knife" lol. Then they took a set of wine glasses...and I think they took some liquor when we left.. But when Ron took the peanuts again ...Johnnie and I kept eating them out of his pocket because there weren't any left on the table... lol My twin brothers are so funny when they are together.
When we left my sisters boyfriend, Jason walked out with a cup of beer and they were driving down the road..and Jason was drinking it..and Shelly was like "Dude you have a beer.." and he's like .. "Oh yeah, we're driving...I don't even know how I got that..." and he threw it out the window. lol .. And when Heather and Kevin cut the cake and they feed one another.....Well...Heather shoved the piece in Kevin's face...and Kevin tried to shove some in hers..but he missed and it went all down her chest. We're like "
SO much for that.." and Kevin shrugged and stuck his face in her chest and started eating it... it was......interesting. My Drunken Grandma got pictures. I was kicking myself when we left for not taping the reception too because it was so funny! On Sunday, Me, Shelly, and my mom went to a baby shower that my aunt April was throwing for one of her friends. It was okay...fun games, good food...but kinda boring.. Then we came home and I watched Charmed. But anyway, I gotta go eat now...so I'll post more later as I remember it..
Blessed Be,