»Friday, September 23, 2005«
Okay, well I woke up this morning and nobody was here, and I have no idea where they all went because nobody left me a fricken note!! And I finally got the underline button to work. I had to wait forever to post because I didn't want my writing to be underlined, and do you see an underline button? No! Anywho, my mom told me this morning that our cable was getting shut off...again. -rolls eyes at moms lack of paying her bills on time- And I couldn't go an hour without cable, let alone a week! So, you know what I did? Yes, I paid the damn bill myself. It was $200!! I'm expecting to get that back too. -ahem- Anyway, I was playing my Sims game until the damn internet company turned our service back on. And if you didn't know...I had to get my Sim Kee pregnant because of a Role Play I'm doing. And she finally had her baby. I was so happy. Except for the fact that not only did she have one, she had four!!! Yes, she had quads. I was like, "Damn lady, I only asked for one! Put three back!" I tried to sell some, tried to pawn some off on my neighbors, nothing worked...so I had to keep them. Now I'm raising a 5 year old, a toddler and 4 babies! ........My mom and my brother just got home. Apparently her car broke down on her, on her way home from work and my brother had to go get her. Ah geez...cars these days.
OH! I have an idea! I can raise 4 babies, then when they all get older I can just kick 3 of them out of the house when they turn 18. Ah, excellent. -rubs hands together like Monty Burns- Although, I did pawn one off to Wyatt/Justin. See, their were 3 boys and 1 girl. The girl being named Hope Ann, of course. One of the boys' names were Justin Lee, so I had Justin adopt that one. Oh, and Chris/Josh adopted one too. Whether it was Matthew Elliot or Brendan Michael, I don't know. But, what I do know is that I only have one more little boy left. Any buyers? Lol, just kidding. I did want twins when I had babies irl, but now I'm kinda re-thinking it just a little. I mean 4 babies is a lot of work...and my Sims had to quit their jobs, even when they had a nanny and everything. Anywho, back to my real life. I'm gonna go get something to eat and watch The Longest Yard, saw it when it was in theaters but my brother insists on watching it again. So, I guess I'll ttyal.
Blessed Be,
-Jennifer Marie
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 11:31 PM |
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