»Wednesday, November 23, 2005«
It's a cryin' shame!!!
Okay, first off..this Sunday's episode is going to be SO effin' sad!! Leo is gonna Die! Well, not technically, he's being frozen..but still he's gonna be gone for half the season..and he's not coming back until the series finale!! And Piper is gonna cry...and that's gonna make me cry. OMG, just looking at that pic makes me cry!!
I would also like to say..that some people are just plain weird!! So frickin' strange!! Just when you think that you've seen it all..something like this lands in your lap..and you can't help but wonder. "Is this person nuts!? Or are they just plain on something?!" Well, I got this link from Hez, who got it off the net..and I couldn't help but share it with you all. This person is beyond nuts. I'm telling you..and if you don't believe me, check out this link: http://www.xanga.com/periodgrl_05
If you think the first page is bad...check out the rest..it gets worse!! I'm actually kinda ashamed to be along side her in the Xanga community...that's how sad it is..
Anyway, I can't wait until Thanksgiving..only two more days!! I'm so excited, because it's my favorite holiday of the year! So much food...and all you can eat..not to mention all the poker and family craziness!! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. ttyl..and don't get too drunk.. hehe
Blessed be,
- ~*Casey*~ commented at 5:53 PM~
I know what you mean about Leo. I was watching it and wondering how you and Caycie were taking it. Granted, it is a cool idea-freezing someone...(they shoulda done that to Cole)...since theyve never done it before, but you just cant do that to Leo. I thought Piper was going to blow some ppl up there for awhile.
And that one chicks site, I went there...little creepy....
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