»Wednesday, December 14, 2005«
Happy New Year? Or No?
Thanks Casey..she is adorable, isn't she? Well, it looks like were gonna have Destiny again starting January. Her mom is going to Minnesota to some special clinic ..and we're gonna watch her for awhile. It could be a month, it could be two...all I know is that .... the brat is back! Aside from her being a holy terror, she's actually quite nice.........when she wants something. My new Years Resolution: "Going the whole month, without losing my temper.." Well, I'll update ya'll later...
Blessed be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 12:04 AM |
~*Casey*~ commented at 9:44 AM~
I love the cheese comment! LOL. Also I love this "Aside from her being a holy terror, she's actually quite nice" that is just great, lol.
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