»Thursday, April 06, 2006«

Okay, I just re-read through all my posts -- quite entertaining actually. Anyway, I just realized that there's a lot of stuff that I haven't updated. First off, here are my cats ...we only have two now, but here they are -- all grown up. Well, maybe just teenagers .. lol. That's Bishop and Precious.

And, I wanted to show ya'll a picture of my cousin, Stephanie, who I think looks like Jessica Simpson. But here is a pic of her. And I know I've probably told a couple of you already, through IM, but I'm just now gonna post it on my blog just incase some of you don't already know. But, my Aunt April [Destiny's mom], is pregnant again. I think it's cool and everything, but it's pretty sad that I've never even met the father, lol. Anyway, it turns out that the father is actually my cousin Stephanies, Aunts, Son. *Blinks* "No relation to me or April, but still.....kinda weird." But, they aren't together anymore because she got pregnant and he doesn't want a baby -- blah blah blah. My Drunken-dumb-ass Grandma wants her to get an abortion. Well, she has no room to talk...seeing as how ...uhh lets see...none of her 4 kids have the same father. ..Anyway, April's not going to do it. She wants it to be a boy, cuz she already has a girl, and my mom was teasing her about having TWINS, because they run in the family, and April freaked out. lol. Well, I think that's just about it.
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 11:26 PM |

- ~*Casey*~ commented at 11:16 AM~
oh I love the cats..they are so cute!...I dont know where you see it, but I dont think she looks like Jessica..maybe you have to see her face to face to see it...
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