»Tuesday, April 18, 2006«
~*My Weekend*~

Okay, lets see....my weekend was good. I spent Friday - Monday at Josh's house, so that's probably why - okay so it is why. lol. Easter was fun, Josh and I, and my two cousins, hid eggs for Destiny. She ended up getting them hid for her like 10 times ..but at least she had fun with it. My aunt April is only 6 weeks pregnant, but you can still tell she's pregnant -- or maybe that's just because she's a little bit chubby. lol. My aunt and my mother both think that Josh looks like my Uncle Ron -- it's kind of annoying when they keep saying it, but oh well. And April was asking Josh...if he ever got me to talk. I talk -- sometimes .. lol. Speaking of my Uncle Ron -- He came up to me and put his arm around me and said "It's about time you got another boyfriend.." I'm like, ugh yah...I just broke up with a boy like 2 months ago -- did you not hear about him? [Zac, for all of you who are wondering] He's like "Apparently not. Why did you break up?" And I told him that he was an Asshole, and my Uncle asked why, and I told him..because he was clingy, and way too insecure for my taste -- just like I told Zac. It was funny....but yah...and he's like. "Well, I'm glad that you found someone that you can stand.." lmao. And oh yes, my cousin Craig ...when Josh was outside smoking -- he asked me if I was gonna get married. *blinks* I'm like...Dude, we've only been dating for like a week or something. And he's like, "So, do you wanna marry him anyway?" and I'm like -- Just because your sister got married at 19, doesn't mean that everyone has to jump into a relationship. And he's like "I was just wondering." ....and I'm like...Oh yes...we're gonna go elope right now.... *rolls eyes* But of course, I was just kidding, but I don't know if he took it that way because he laughed at me. Then later when we were leaving to go back to Josh's house, Craigs like "Where are you going? Are you leaving?" and I said something like...yes, we are because you're annoying...lol...but he knew I was kidding. And he said something about -- going into the back of Aprils truck or something like that ...*Rolls eyes again* My family is so weird.....Anyway, everything went fine when I was over there, but when my mom picked me up on Monday -- she told me everything that my grandma was bitching about when everyone left. I was like ....Omg, I am so glad that I left when I did...because if she would've said anything to me that would've embarrassed me infront of Josh...I so wouldn't have kept my mouth shut that time. My mom always says "She doesn't know what she's talking about..just ignore her." And I do -- most of the time. But I don't think I wanna keep my mouth shut anymore...because maybe I'm the only one who will tell her, what everyone else is too afraid to say. Well, me and April of course. My Grandma just gets drunk and bitches....that's all she does. She puts her nose in other peoples business...and she has no idea what she's talking about most of the time. And she definetly has no room to talk, because she's done worse things than any of us -- but no...she doesn't bring that up, now does she? It just gets on my last nerve. Fortunetly, I wasn't there to hear it -- this time. Anyway, enough about my crazy grandma -- Josh and I had fun.....and I can't wait to see him again.....blah..the whole IM thing is okay and everything...but I still miss him when he's not around. And yes -- for all of you that I promised a picture of the two of us together. I will put it up....but I have yet to take one. I was going to do it this past weekend ..but I forgotted..lol. Well, I guess that's pretty much everything, so I will ttyl.
Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 1:36 PM |

- ~*Casey*~ commented at 12:16 AM~
Jenn I know exactly how you feel about the whole "When are you getting married thing"...pretty much everyone I have talked to about Joel has said something similar to that. In fact, Sunday night we were all at his aunt and uncles (Caycies b/f Jerrods house) and Joels niece Kayla was like "I hope you too get married" Then she looked at me "I want you to be my aunt"..it was cute, yet little weird. I dont know where all these people think of this stuff..
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