»Wednesday, April 12, 2006«
-- The Park --
Well, if you don't already know -- I am babysitting Destiny until this Friday. She's been pretty good so far...but she did get me up at 2 this morning..and I haven't been able to get back to sleep since. Oh well, I guess. Anyway, yesterday..I took her to the park ...and I got some cute pictures. And also, I must say..that I don't really like being the "Big kid" at the park, because all the little kiddies expect you to push them on everything. It was pretty fun at first..but then I took Destiny to the Merry-Go-Round and the little kids wouldn't stop asking me to push the darn thing. By the end of the day ..my hands really really hurt. Then a little while after that...we lost Destiny -- Yes, we lost Destiny in the park. My mom and I were just sitting on a bench talking...then all of a sudden ..Destiny is gone. We're like "Oh Shit!" But we did end up finding her, and she got in trouble for not telling us ..before she just runs off. After the park, we went to Culvers and had dinner and ice-cream. It was really good. And I still can't wait until Friday. The whole weekend at Josh's house....then he's gonna come spend Easter with my family. Should be fun ...lol ..I hope. Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to say for now. Ttyl --

Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 6:48 AM |

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