»Saturday, February 18, 2006«
Okay, so I just found out that my mom's work isn't going to let her have time off, so I won't be able to go to Tennesse after all. This sucks so much! I was really looking forward to going and seeing my friends, but now I can't... :( I will make it down there someday, I just don't know when, but I will eventually. Well, I guess that all I have to say, so I'll ttyl.Blessed Be,-Jenn-
»Wednesday, February 15, 2006«
Okay, I don't know if I told anyone that I might be going to Tennessee at the end of February, but I also said that I might not be going a couple of days ago. Well, it turns out that my moms work has delayed their little trip to Canada until next month, so I still may be able to go down to Tennessee after all. Yay! I really hope that I don't get disappointed again, by my mom coming home and telling me one day that I can't go because of some stupid thing for her work. But now I am so excited again, because I can look forward to the end of the month. Right now my mom went to go back and get Destiny. We were suppose to have her for a couple of weeks, but took her home after a couple days when my mom found out she was leaving for Canada. But now Canada is delayed, so that means two more weeks of the little rug rat! She's cute and everything, but she's really mouthy. Like when my mom is at work and I'm babysitting her....she never listens to what I tell her. She always says, "Aunt Debbie said I could!" It's so fricken' annoying! It's like, hey guess what, Aunt Debbie isn't here, so Shut Up!!! Of course, I wouldn't say that, but hey...maybe I should give it a try... :P It's her birthday today and she's 4 now. Happy B-lated Valentines Day everyone! Well, I guess I'll talk to you later. And I hope ya'll enjoy my little pic of Brian that I have up, because it took me forever to find it. And when I did find it I about spazzed because I've never seen that picture of him before. I was like "OMG, that is SO hott!!" hehe ...anyway, ttyl.Blessed Be,-Jenn Krause- [In my dreams]
P.S. Caycie and Casey, I hope to see you soon!
P.S.S. His pants are so Shiny!! -Giggles-