It's how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.
So, I guess I haven't really updated this blog in awhile. It's been a little over a year, partly because I kind of forgot about it, but mostly because I don't really lead that much of an interesting life. Well, at least in my own opinion, but as of today I am going to start writing about my life a little more. Not that any of this is ever going to be read by any outside readers; not a lot of people read it when I first started it, but I'm writing it more for me.
A lot has happened in my one year hiatus so-to-speak, but I can't actually remember all the details enough to write the specifics, so I'll just start where I left off. The last thing I wrote about was my Aunt having a baby; that baby is now 19 months old. I guess time flies when you're not writing everything down. By the way, you can just click on any of these pictures and make them bigger.
Not much has happened to me really, I still attend Lansing Community College and I'm still jobless...but I did have the opportunity from my educational psychology course, to go back to my old high school in Eaton Rapids and observe one of my favorite teachers classrooms for the entire day. It was fun and it was nice to see him again. He looks better than what I remembered, bad thing is that he's married now. But I still hope that someday I will be able to teach there, and hopefully by observing in that particular school, has brought me one step closer to my goal. I also have a new batch of kittens running around the house. Well, I guess that's a slight lie as well because they too aren't exactly babies anymore; they're about 7 weeks old, but so adorable. I am working on getting a job close to home ...and as soon as this place around the corner opens up I'll be all set. Other than that, I'm working on getting my license, finally, so I'll be able to get a job in town.
I recently got back from a trip to Vegas to see my brothers and my father about a week or so ago, and despite what you hear about the desert, it was quite chilly and rainy the majority of the time that we were there. It was still fun though, for the most part...and I say that literally because the last few days were kind of a hectic handful when it came to certain company. We stayed in a condo, which was awesome, while my grand parents stayed at the Excalibur hotel and casino. We did also have one of the nicer hotel and casinos, Venetian, at our disposal for a couple of days but we let grandpa and grandma use that too. So, me, my mom and my sister were pretty much always in the condo. There pool is awesome; they have a waterfall connected to it. My sister and I got some nice pictures in there, so that was fun. And we did get to see a lot of cool other stuff, including the Wax Museum, the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. We didn't end up going on the Price-is-Right but there's always next year.
That's about as far back as I can remember that anything remotely interesting enough to write about has happened to me. I did pass all my spring courses and I'm enjoying the summer. This summer has been a good one so far, even though I did lose my favorite cat, Justice, at my aunts house in Grand Rapids. He's been gone for about a week and I really do miss him. I had her post some missing cat signs up around the trailer park and hopefully someone will find him and bring him back. Other stuff has happened, including certain family matter stuff that I prefer to keep we'll just move on. In other news, my sister is now staying with my aunt in Grand Rapids because she got a new job out there as a CNA. I guess her and her boyfriend are now looking for a place somewhere between there and Muskegon; hopefully closer to Grand Rapids. That way she'll be closer to us in the long run. I hope they find a place soon and get settled down before school starts back up. I don't know what her plans are for college in the fall...but I think that she's going back for more nurse training or whatever, to further her degree. As for me, I'm going to be taking some fall courses...probably going to over-load it since I can't wait to get this college thing over with already and start my career as a teacher. It seems like it's taking forever and even after so many years of college, it still doesn't feel like I've accomplished anything yet. I don't know, I guess I'm just looking forward to making my own money and standing on my own two feet for a change. It'll be a nice change of pace for me and I know it will make me feel so much better about myself in the long run if I actually do something on my own that constitutes as a job well done; other than graduating high school that is. After all, it is by what we ourselves have done, and not by what others have done for us, that we shall be remembered by. More onto recent events though, I have this thing to go to at my grandparents' house later this evening. I guess we're going to have dinner and talk or something, but it's mainly for my mom to go and see her dad on father's day. Which makes me hate the fact that my father lives about 7 states away from me and I can't even spend time with him on father's day, or his birthday for that matter. I'm lucky to even get a chance to see him on holidays, along with my brothers. I thought about sending him a card, but then it wouldn't exactly get to him until after father's day anyway, so why bother right? I don't know. Maybe I'll just give him a call or something later today; that is if he'll even answer his phone. He has a tendency not to do that..jpg)
Anyway, on a brighter subject...I've been waiting I don't know how many years for this to happen and now it's getting closer and closer to actually happening, but next weekend I am finally going to go down to that tattoo parlor and get that tattoo that I've wanted for a few years now. I'm so excited about June 29th because that's when my mom said she would go and see about getting it done. Hopefully by the end of the month I will have the symbol that I want resting on my lower back. I'll post a picture of it to show anyone who cares what it looks like, although it is going to be a little bit lower than the one in the picture. Well, that's all for now...but I will be writing back shortly to update and let you know how that dinner turns out.