»Tuesday, June 06, 2006«
Suzie's B-day Party

My friend Suzie, from Muskegon, is having a B-day party on the 10th and I really hope that I can go. I don't know if my mom will take me all the way up there...just after she drove all the way to Grand Rapids to get me yesterday. Maybe my brother, Andy, will go..and I can just get a ride from him. It's gonna be so fun though. They're going to Michigan Adventures..and I haven't been there, in like the longest time. I wasn't able to go to Josh B. B-day party, so I really hope that I get to go to hers. I haven't seen them in a long time. Anyway, I'll talk to ya'll later.
Blessed Be,
P.S. -- Mark Ruffalo is so HOTT ..
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 2:58 PM |

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