»Wednesday, May 03, 2006«
You know what's annoying?

Well, lets see....I was having fun...talking to my Friends online, and what not ...so-far-so-good, the night was going okay ....until You-know-who called *blinks* Yah, Zac called me -- again. This time he just about pissed me off to no end. The entire conversation was so annoying, I was just about to hang up on him. He kept going on about why my Aunt April doesn't like him. I'm like "I don't know -- why don't you ask her. I mean for gosh sakes...you're my Ex ...is she suppose to like you?" and he says "No, it's just she's never met me..and she hates me.." I'm like "Zac, I dont even wanna talk about this right now...okie..so just drop it.." then he says "I'm sorry, I would just like to know what went wrong with us..." and I say "We were just too different, and we had nothing in common.." and he goes "What about me, didn't you like?" I'm like "Uh, alot of little things ......and the fact that we had nothing in common...and we were always just never talking ...or anything.." and he goes "Is it because you found a new guy?" and I'm like "What?" and he goes "That guy, is he the reason you broke up with me?" Omg, that's so pathetic .....im like "Nooo, I didn't even know Josh, until after we broke up. That has nothing to do with anything." and he says "Oh. Then why did we break up?" and Im like "Zac, I told you that I don't wanna talk about that right now, okie. I don't even wanna go there..." and he goes "I would just feel better if I had a reason. I mean, all I ever did was be nice to you, and do everything for you..." For one thing, it wasn't all about me....and just because someones nice to you, doesn't mean that you're going to be automatically attracted to them. So, I go .."So, yah, you were ....and I was nice to you too, but things change....and along the way I lost interest -- I just don't feel that way about you anymore.." ...then the conversation went on like that for awhile, until he started talking about Josh again. I was soo annoyed at this point that I was about to just hang up on his ass, because he's all like "What does he have, that I don't?" I'm like "I dont know, what does that even matter? We're not a couple anymore. That's all in the past...why do you keep bringing it up?" and he goes "I wouldn't keep brining it up, if you'd just tell me why we broke up.." and im like "I wish you would just stop asking me about that, okie....just let it go, its over.." ...and I'm sitting here telling him all this....all while trying to talk to about 4 other people online....and he just wouldn't get the hint. And he goes "I know that...but Im just so fucking confused right now..." and im like "Zac, don't ever swear at me again.." and he goes "I'm sorry....but how did things change so much, from when I left, to when you decided to call it off?" and im like "Can you just call me back tomorrow?" and he goes "So, you dont even wanna talk to me anymore?" and im like "Not if you keep talking about this, I'm busy....and I really can't do so many things at once...so just call me back tomorrow.." and he says "Are you gonna pick up?" and im like "uh yah.." and he goes "I don't think you will" and im like "Whatever Zac, okie, you can call if you want....or dont...I dont care....but right now....Im really busy...and Id really rather you called back later..." and he goes "And are you gonna give me an explanation?" and im like "Uh, sure ..yah.." and he goes "What time?" and im like "Whenever, I don't care.....I just don't wanna talk about this right now..." and he's like "Okie...it was nice talking to you again.." and Im like "Mhm.." and he says bye....and we both hang up. Why does he keep calling me, and trying to get back with me? He knows that I have a boyfriend now, so what the hell? I mean, I dont mind talking to him, if he were just being friends like...but he doesnt do that. He's always bringing up the past, and it annoys me. Then he has the nerve to bring Josh into this, when Josh has nothing to do with why we broke up in the first place... gah! Well, that's about it for now...
Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 1:05 AM |

- commented at 7:27 AM~
K so I think Zac has some major issues! I am glad you are happy with your new beau girly!
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