»Sunday, May 07, 2006«
*~!~*The Night Club *~!~*
Anyway, we went to the Night Club last night. Me, my brother -- Andy, and his girl -- Alayna. It's called Wayside, it's in Mount Pleasant. We get there about 9:00 pm, and the place is so dead. And the guy at the door said it wouldn't be until like 11:00 pm, that they get really busy. The only other people there, were like 8 girls from a batchelorette party. The bride sounded like she was wasted before she even got there... She looked around early to mid twenties. Anyway, we made friends with them fast, because of Alayna talking to them, like she knew them or something.

When we got inside, we ordered right away -- I had a Sex on the Beach, of course -- my brother and Alayna both had a Captain & Coke. Well, Alayna had Diet...but yah. After that we went to play a little pool. We got through the first game, and Andy went up to order more drinks. I wasn't even done with my first drink yet. We all got the same thing, but this time we followed up with a Yager Bomb each -- so, then we continued onto our next game of pool...and I thought I sucked at pool -- I totally kicked their asses, and just because Andy was a little tipsy ..doesn't mean anyhing ..lol.

Some where along the line of playing pool and drinking another round of Sex on the Beach, Captain & Coke, and Yager Bombs -- Andy was pretty much wasted off his ass! He was stumbling all over the place, and he had to use his pool stick to keep his balance, and he kept knocking the pool balls off the table. It was fricken' hillarious, but also fun as hell. Alayna and I were a little bit tipsy, but he was so fuckin' wasted -- you don't even know. After about four games of pool, we stopped and went to go get a table -- and Andy of course ordered us all another round of the exact same thing that we had.
At about 10:00 pm, we were all drinking our drinks, and watching these girls, who were up on stage dancing on poles and stuff. Everyone was watchin' those girls -- and I tell Alayna that I'm gonna get her so Drunk that she's gonna get her happy ass up there with me, sometime by the end of the night. She's like "I'm not drunk enough yet.." lol, and I tell her "You will be.." After we finished our drinks, Alayna and I went to the bathroom, and I have no idea what Andy did -- I think he was still at the table, but ....we were in the bathroom, and I couldn't even open the stall door without slamming it against the back of the stall wall. It was so loud! I'm like "Sorry! My bad!" It was so fricken' hillarious.. then we walk back to the billard area.
At about 11:00-ish, I called Caycie to say "hey" and everything -- and you could hear the loud ass music from her end. I told her "I'm at a club....and I'm not wasted, I swear!" and we talk for a little bit....then Andy takes the phone from me and starts talking to her. I was like "Yah, okie.." ...but then I got the phone back and asked her what my brother had said to her.....then I told her what was going on...and that I'd call her Sunday night, when I got home.
At about 11:30 pm, Alayna and I go back to the table, and got money from Andy to get some more drinks. So, we go up there and we ask if they have any Jell-O shots, or those Vile things....but they didn't. We were like "What the hell..." -- "What kind of club is this?"....but we ended up just getting the 3 Yager-Bombs and going back to the table. We were about to down them, when my other brother -- Ron, walks up behind us, and we turn and we all yell in unison "Ron! You're here!" lmao ...I couldn't have fealt more drunk, or more rediculous then at that very moment. But anyway, we all waited for Ron to go up and get a Yager-Bomb too, so he could down it with us. It was fun. Then a little bit after that Alayna walked off with some guy -- she apparently knew from high school...and we're all like "What the fuck..." -- "Where's she going?"
Anyway, I go over there to see whats up, and this guy is all telling Alayna that Andy was going to get kicked out because he's too drunk or w/e.....so I'm like "Can they do that?" ..and says yah. Then Andy stumbles on over to Alayna and me and that guy...and he's hardly standing on two feet...and the bouncer or w/e comes up to Andy and says "You have to leave now, you're too drunk" or something like that. I was like "OMG.."
So, Andy, Me, and Ron walk outside -- while Alayna is still with this guy -- and Andy sits down in the corner on the cement. We're all talking about him being wasted, and trying to get Andy to leave with us, and he didn't wanna leave Alayna behind or w/e.......then a little while later Alayna come outside ...and says that she wants to stay....and she wants me to stay with her...blah blah blah. Well, Ron gives me his address, and I write it on my hand to remember it...then Ron takes Andy home -- and Alayna and I go back into the club, to go find that guy or w/e. Well, we couldn't find him -- because the fucker ditched her ass. So, we just forget about it, and go to dance.

At around 1:30 am, Alayna met this guy ....and he gave her money to get both her and me .. and himself, a beer. So, Alayna went up to get three beers ..and the bartender chick cut her off! It was hillarious..but she was pissed. So, anyway....before she said anything to the lady, I took the money from her...and she went back to the table (So, I thought) ...and I buy the beers or w/e. Anyway, the guy that she was with ....he takes two beers ..and leaves me with one. I'm like "Yah, okie.." So, I go back to try and find Alayna...to give her this beer --because I don't even like beer...I wasn't too worried about it. Anyway, I walk around the dance floor (Well, walked as best I could anyway) ...and I'm trying to walk straight....and everythings already blurry, because I didn't have my glasses with me...because I left them at my aunts house. ..So, I'm stumbling around....searching for Alayna...and I'm spilling this drink all over myself....and then I finally get out my phone to call Andy. He answers -- he's still pretty wasted....and I can't understand him ....add that too all the noise at the club. So, I walk to the bathroom...and I talk to him in there -- I go "I can't find your girlfriend..what do you want me to do?" ......anyway...he's all like "What? Where is she? Go look for her.." and all this stuff....and I say "I tried to look for her. I can't find her.." and he's like "Where is she?" So, I just give up and say "Let me talk to Ron" ...and Andy says that Ron doesn't wanna talk to me or something. I'm like "What the hell....just forget it I guess.." Then -- get this --Alayna walks into the bathroom ...and I hand her the beer. Im like "Where the hell have you been?" ...and she's like "Looking for you..." ....So, I tell Andy I found her, and he ends up talking to her for a little bit. I have no idea what they were talking about....but then they hang up...and Alayna and I go back out to the dance floor or w/e ..
We left around 2:00 am ...but we didn't have any money to call a cab...and my brothers didn't wanna talk ....so Alayna and I had to flirt with this one guy ..from TEXAS ...just so we could get a ride home. We were dancing with him -- both of us together. And he was all touching on us and stuff -- Alayna and I both walked away several times...but then he'd follow us or whatever. Because, apparently, he thought we were being a TEASE or something. Anyway, Alayna and I both told him that we had a guy ....and he's like "Oh, that's cool..." ....So, Alayna is standing by this counter right beside me....and this guy is still trying to dance with me.....so im just like ..whatever....its for a ride home and what not. While we were dancing ..he kept trying to kiss me....and I kept turning my head...but he kissed me anyway. So, I pull away..and I look at Alayna..like a 'please help me' look. And Alayna looks at the guy and says "We're ready to go now.." and she takes my hand and drags me toward the door. Well, there ya go....I guess it was that simple ... *blinks*
So, on our way back...I'm on the phone with my Mom, trying to get directions.....when we stop at this gas station -- The TEXAS guy gets out to go buy a case of BUD LIGHT, while Alayna and I, are following behind him...Alayna stops at this car, full of Black dudes. I'm like "Alayana, what the hell are you doing?" Apparently, they were all from Detroit.....and she's all giving these guys her phone number...and talking to them -- like she's trying to get somewhere with em'. I roll my eyes and just wait for her..and one of the Black dudes is all like "Don't worry honey...we got your girl...she's aight..." I'm like "Okay, whatever..." and I just stand there next to the car. Then the dude from TEXAS comes back out with the beers, and I had to practically drag Alayna away from the car...and back to his truck.
We're driving down the road...and I'm telling this TEXAS guy how to get to the boys' house....all while Alayna is hitting on him...and trying to get him to take us to the Casino. She was in between the two of us, and I was sitting by the door. He says that he will....and then we get back to the boys' house.....and Andy is waiting there for us. We get out of the car and Alayna is telling Andy what's going on...and that she was gonna go to the casino with this guy ...and Andy is like really confused at this point. So I go.. "Alayna ..I'll talk to him ..you just stay out here while I do that...okay?" ..So, I go inside the house and talk to Andy ..telling him that Alayna is just using this guy or w/e ...and that I promised to keep her from doing anything stupid .." And Andy just says ...forget it...and that he'd go with us.. So, we all get into the truck and drive to the casino . We played the Slots for awhile......nobody won -- then Alayna stops and plays a little BlackJack ...and she played two hands ..until she lost everything.
On the way back home -- we decided to stop and get something to eat....at some restaurant -- I don't remember what it was called. Anyway, I ordered lunch, that TEXAS guy I think ordered dinner....Andy and Alayna ended up ordering breakfast. lol ...But it was so funny, because Alayna couldn't even keep her food on the table...let alone get it into her own mouth. lmao. And Andy got some pretty decent pictures of her doing that, on his camera phone .....Yah, and that TEXAS guy ended up paying for everyone. Anyway, after that...we all went back to the house.....but we ended up out back, drinking that case of beer, wrapped up in blankets. Well, everyone but me. I was standing the whole time....and I was tired as hell -- and Alayna is pretty much the only one talking...and she's telling us stories about her getting drunk before ...and all this...
At about 4:00 am ...we all go back inside and the TEXAS guy goes home -- and we all go to sleep. In the morning Ron and Andy were telling us how they got stopped by the police, on their way home. Ron got asked a bunch of questions.....and passed the test or w/e ...but he only missed one Q: ...The cop asked him to pick a number between 12 and 14 ...and Ron goes "..9" ...lmao .......if he would've been given a breathalizer test...he might have failed..lol ....anyway, when the cop went to talk to Andy -- who was still in the car -- the first thing Andy says is "Can you turn off those lights? They're making me sick.." lmao again.....OMG, thats so fricken' crazy! Well, that was our night....and it was fun .....anyway ...ttyl..
Blessed Be,

- commented at 11:05 PM~
Lol...Sounds like you had a very exciting night hm? Your an ALCOHOLIC! Lol I'm just kidding and that's funny about him missing the question.
-Tiffany- commented at 11:05 PM~
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