»Sunday, May 28, 2006«
:.::..~*This Weekend*~..::.:

Well, on Friday we went to pick up Destiny....I was suppose to go see "X-Men III, The Last Stand" ..But they were all sold out. So, I ended up seeing "Over The Hedge", with my Mom and Destiny. It was an okay movie. Alot of little kids in that theatre -- laughing. It was pretty funny I guess. Anyway, on Saturday we all got up ... (Me, my mom, Destiny, and Carla) ... to go around DeWitt and look for garage sales and such. We got a bunch of movies and some toys for Destiny, etc... Then we all went back to the movies, to see "X-Men III, The Last Stand". It was fricken' awesome! The ending dissapointed me -- not that it was bad or anything..it was just sad. And the fact that Scott was only in the first 10 minutes of the movie kinda made me upset ..but ah well. The whole movie was pretty much all about Jean Grey, but that's cool. And what Rogue did, really suprised me..I was like "Wow.." Anyway, after that we were suppose to take Destiny to this bowl-with-Winnie-the-Pooh thing...but apparently they weren't having it...so we all just went home. Well, it's Sunday now...and Mom and I are taking Destiny fishing ..and then swimming. On Monday we're all going to a picnic with the family ...for Memorial Day. Then when we drop Destiny off at home, I was suppose to stop by Josh's to get my stuff that I left over there..but I haven't been able to get ahold of him ...so I don't know. Anyway, that's my weekend ...but I have to go help Mom and Destiny, garden now and then we're off to fishing...so I'll talk to ya'll later. --
Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 4:12 PM |

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