»Monday, May 29, 2006«
Okie, I just got back from the lake...and on our way back home...Destiny out of the blue goes: "Are we gonna go to that party still?" ..and my moms like ..."No, we weren't invited.." ..because before we left ...the people across the street invited our neighbors to a b-day party..and he was dressed in a batman costume. Destiny thought that anyone could go. So, she says "But we're people too, Aunt Debbie.." ..and we both start laughing... and Im like "Uh, yah ..but we don't even know them.." and my mom says "We can't just go to anyone's party..." and Destiny's like "Yes we can...." It was too cute... but yah..anyway...she caught a bunch of little fishies...but she still had fun. Tomorrow is the picnic....and hopefully getting my stuff back from Josh's house. Later days --
Blessed Be,--Jenn--
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 1:56 AM |
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