»Thursday, August 24, 2006«
*sigh* Zac drama, again....

Okay so, Zac just called me again. Apparently he's in town and staying at a hotel and he wants to know if he can stop by tomorrow. I'm like.. "Uh...I guess." ...and then he gave me the number to the hotel, asking me to call him. So, I was like "Sure?" He gave me the number, and then I hung up. And I just now realized that I don't have an '8' button that works. Ah well. No big loss.
He's probably going to call back and ask what's up. But oh well.
On a happier note, I just got back from class today at about 2:00 pm and it wasn't as boring as I thought it'd be. Okay, the class is History of Art I and I thought it'd be boring, but it turns out that I know a lot more about Art than I thought. I've taken like 5 art classes during High School and I guess now it's paying off. Anyway, that's all that happened to me today, so later!
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 10:35 PM |

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