»Tuesday, August 15, 2006«
~Aunt~ April

Multiple Sclerosis:
The most common early symptoms of MS include:
* Tingling
* Numbness
* Loss of balance
* Weakness in one or more limbs
* Blurred or double vision
That is all stuff that she has right now, but it could get worse down the road.
Less common symptoms of MS may include:
* Slurred speech
* Sudden onset of paralysis
* Lack of coordination
And that's why I'm worried about her. I don't want her to be paralyzed someday. That's just not cool. Especially when she has two kids to raise, on her own. I'll update you on her condition as I find out more. Please pray for her, even if you don't know her. It'd be appreciated. Thanks!
Love ya all!

link | Jennifer Wood posted at 10:42 AM |

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