»Wednesday, August 27, 2008«
Comic Con 2008 - Manitoba
Okay, so, if you didn't know already...I want to go to the Manitoba Comic Con in October, but for the past couple of months things have just been getting in the way of that. First, there was scheduling and mom couldn't get off work...but now she has that weekend off and all I have to worry about now is money for the plane tickets. They started off at around $800 and mom said that they would have to be around $3oo-$400 if she was going to have enough money to get them and still go to Vegas in November. Well, the tickets have been fluctuating for the last couple of months, from $600 to $500, but I just checked the site again recently and the tickets are now only $482! Oh my god, I hope they go down just a little bit more, before October 11th...and then I will be able to go see Justin Hartley and Erica Durance! I'm so excited.[Jenn]
link | Jennifer Wood posted at 3:34 AM |
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