Just Being Me


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»Monday, March 27, 2006«

Puppy Trouble...

My sisters' puppy...broke her leg...out of shear stupidity....aww poor thing. We were away from home for awhile and when we had gotten back, the dog was so excited to see us that it jumped so high in the air that when it landed, it landed wrong and broke its leg.-- Lookie..I signed her cast ..

Blessed Be,


link | Jennifer Wood posted at 12:06 AM | 0 comments

»Thursday, March 23, 2006«

Random Updates and Such...

"Okay, lets see...where to start...lets start out with this stupid bitch ass dog..that my sister dropped off here for us to watch -- again-- I cannot stand that dog! First off, she messes up everything and anything...she chews on computer wires and everything else she can get ahold of. Oh, and just last night, she chewed the cable for the tv...and now the channels are all fuzzy..[she's worse than Destiny] ..and Second, she craps and pisses all over the house. I went into my bathroom today and their was a pile of crap ..right on the bathroom rug.." *Sighs dramatically* "And just today...I went to move her chain further down the deck..so she can't climb up on it and scratch the window up...and she was jumping and scratching all over me...and then when I finally did get her chained up....I went to go back inside...and she tripped me with her flippen' chain!! And it's cold outside! Right now she's howling outside, it's pretty annoying. At least my cat just lays around and is potty trained.." --thank god-- "Anywho, let's see what else I wanna bitch about..ah yes...people who copy info. and shit off of my sites, and that took me forever to do! ..and I'm not even gonna get started on how much some of the members are pissing me off right now. Oh..let's see....ah..let's bitch about my ex- boyfriend, Zac. I had to break up with him this past couple days, granted..I wanted to do it like 2 weeks ago, but I figured if I called him..then I'd have to go into this lengthy discussion of why I've decided to break up with him..and I just didn't wanna go through with that. So, I decided to just ignore is phone calls and his e-mails....and see if he got the hint after a couple of days..... --he didn't-- He kept calling and kept writing...wanting to know what my problem was...and blah blah blah. ...So, okay...after a couple of weeks of him not getting the hint...I finally broke up with him a couple days ago over e-mail. [keep in mind, he lives 2 hours away] I told him that he was Weird, just like his friends told me he was, but I didnt believe them at the time. Okay, so here's a couple of reasons why I broke up with him... Forgive me if this blog is really really long! But here's a conversation between me and Hez, of why I broke it off with him...


Hez: Are you still with creepy guy?
Jenn: Nope, he finally got the hint when I just ignored him
Hez: Woo
Jenn: He wrote me an e-mail
Hez: wad it say?
Jenn: Something about...if I was still mad at him, it was rediculous...and that I was the one who had the problems..because I was SHY or something along those lines. And he said that since we're not together anymore...he was gonna go ahead and hook up with other girls.
Hez: You should have e-mailed him back saying.
Hez: Thank god. I didn't think I'd ever get rid of you. I wasn't shy. I just didn't like you.
Jenn: ..Ok I will.
Hez: yay
Jenn: "Thank god. I didn't think I'd ever get rid of you. I wasn't shy. I just didn't like you. I'm not the one with problems, you are. You're just too clingy for my taste and way too insecure. And good luck with the whole dating thing, I really hope she can put up with you.
Hez: because there aren't many girls who like having another person attached to their hip
Jenn: Exactly... and go around a wedding with the guy dressed in the Superman costume
Hez: yes..
Jenn: Or get your lips bitten off everytime you kiss
Hez: lmfao
Jenn: Or get asked "Are you ok?" "What's wrong?" "Are you mad at me?" -- every 5 minutes--
Hez: Tell him Micheal Jackson is looking for some new occupants to neverland
Jenn: lmao....He said that every girlfriend he's ever had breaks up with him -- and he's trying to tell me that i have the problem-- ...and it's pretty sad that you have an alcohol problem..before the age of 21
Jenn: OMIGOD, he got mad at me one time..because I beat him at Bowling
Hez: Lmao.
Jenn: ..HEZ, don't ever date a guy that you met at a bar
Hez: Noted -Checks Justin off her list.-
Jenn: hehe. Im kinda curious about what he's gonna write back.... if he does at all..
Hez: Lol. He'll probally be like. "BI POLAR BITCH"
Jenn: I dont have Bi Polar....I just can
relatively stand guys who try to eat your face off, and are constantly trying to prove that they're good enough for you --Like every other Normal person in America--
Jenn: Am I right?
Hez: Yes
Jenn: And the only problem he says I have..is that I'm shy apparently....and that's only because I wouldn't try on hats [that 5 million peoples heads have been in], or play basketball, on hoops [that didn't even have nets] ...in some stupid Sports Store..
Hez: lmao
Jenn: ...and the first time we kissed...[besides for the fact that he made my lip bleed] ...He was all worried about moving to fast..but 3 minutes later, he was trying to get down my pants
Hez: lmfao!
Jenn: ...and on our first date...I had to beg him to get Popcorn and Pop
Hez: ...are you serious?
Jenn: Mhm.. ...He's like "You want pop?"...and I was like yes... ...and so he got me a pop...and I asked him if he was gonna get one for himself...and he said he didnt want one....and he gave me a funny look ...then when we get into the theatre and start watching the movie, he drinks mine
Hez: Eww. I can't stand that. When guys drink from my cup at the movies!! My guy friends do that just to make me mad. Girls are okay, but..it's just werid with guys.
Jenn: ...yah, it is ...and he thinks watching Charmed is childish...and talking to people online is stupid... ...he hates my friends.....AND...he doesn't watch tv, play any kind of games...not even card games or board games ...and he's never been on a computer, cept to write me those emails [which he used a friends account] ..and all he does for fun ..is walk around outside. When he came down here to see me...we spent 3 hours walking around downtown Lansing...and I got nothing but a cramp in my leg....oh, and then when we left...I had to sit and stare at a river for an hour.
Hez: Wtf. What were you thinking dating that guy?
Jenn: ...and the first time I called him....his friend [she was drunk but still]...threatened me over the phone. I have no idea he was that weird...His friends said he was but.....OH and get this....I was wearing contacts at the club....and he didnt know I wore glasses...and he's all like..."That's why you're dating me...because you couldn't see me" ...and then later...hes like "That's why you like me...you were drunk.." I was SO not drunk ....Yah...he's insecure... Not that great looking either.
Hez: If you EVER date someone like that again..
Hez: I'll bite your face off..


...and he still hasn't written me back...go figure.. Let's see what else is pissing me off that I need to get off my chest. Oh, yes that's right...my SISTER!! Yes, my sister came to visit this past weekend and we did nothing but fight. And this was before she dropped her dog on us. And the fact that she gets anything she asks for and I'm still waiting to get my B-day present from two years ago, [which was a tattoo], for my mom to finish making one present from last years christmas [a wolf quilt and pillow], my $300 for graduating, and my b-day present for this year. [which is to go to Tennessee] Sometimes, my life just bugs me so much and there's nothing that I can do about it....And I do realize that people have it alot worse off, but you don't promise someone something and then just not ever give it to them, especially when all your older siblings got it the same day they were suppose to.
Well, I guess that's all the rambling I have for today.

Blessed be,

*Jenn Marie Krause*

link | Jennifer Wood posted at 6:09 PM | 0 comments