»Friday, July 28, 2006«

Okay, so, I suppose I should update this here blog of mine. Well, a lot has happened. Okay, not really, but some things have happened. Some of it fun, some of it boring, and some of it was just fucking-lame-ass-shit that I'm trying to put my mind pass! But anywho, I went to Tennessee to visit Caycie, from July 7th I think it was, to ummm ...I'm gonna say July 12-ish. Lol, I don't remember exact dates. But that was not the lame ass stuff I'm talking about. What was lame, was spending the entire trip their and back with my grandmother. Always bitching and complaining about the stupidest shit imaginable. Yes, most of you know that I despise my grandmother and all that good stuff. But if not ......then yeah, now you know. Over-all, Tennessee was fun. I got to see Caycie, we went rafting, and I got a little sunburn, but it's all good... because I'm a little tan now. lol Right now, I'm in Grand Rapids, hanging out with Josh & his French room-mates. I've been her since Tuesday and we're going Kayaking on Saturday, and then I'm coming home on Sunday.....I think. Well, that's all the updates for now. Ttyl people!
Luv ya's!
--J Mar--