»Thursday, August 24, 2006«
*sigh* Zac drama, again....

Okay so, Zac just called me again. Apparently he's in town and staying at a hotel and he wants to know if he can stop by tomorrow. I'm like.. "Uh...I guess." ...and then he gave me the number to the hotel, asking me to call him. So, I was like "Sure?" He gave me the number, and then I hung up. And I just now realized that I don't have an '8' button that works. Ah well. No big loss.
He's probably going to call back and ask what's up. But oh well.
On a happier note, I just got back from class today at about 2:00 pm and it wasn't as boring as I thought it'd be. Okay, the class is History of Art I and I thought it'd be boring, but it turns out that I know a lot more about Art than I thought. I've taken like 5 art classes during High School and I guess now it's paying off. Anyway, that's all that happened to me today, so later!
»Tuesday, August 15, 2006«
~Aunt~ April

Multiple Sclerosis:
The most common early symptoms of MS include:
* Tingling
* Numbness
* Loss of balance
* Weakness in one or more limbs
* Blurred or double vision
That is all stuff that she has right now, but it could get worse down the road.
Less common symptoms of MS may include:
* Slurred speech
* Sudden onset of paralysis
* Lack of coordination
And that's why I'm worried about her. I don't want her to be paralyzed someday. That's just not cool. Especially when she has two kids to raise, on her own. I'll update you on her condition as I find out more. Please pray for her, even if you don't know her. It'd be appreciated. Thanks!
Love ya all!

»Friday, August 11, 2006«
::The Ex::

Okay, so, I guess I haven't typed on here for awhile. Some stuff has happened since the last time I posted, so I mise well update again. First off, canoing with Josh and the French people was fun. I'm home now by the way, I have been for awhile now. Since Wednesday the 2nd actually.
Second, my mom had to have a major surgery done on that day, so I had to be home to take her to the hospital. We were in the hospital for a total of about, 6 or 7 hours. The surgery went fine and she's okay.
Third, Umm, I just found out yesterday that my Aunt April is in the hospital again. Apparently, she had another one of her 'episodes'. The baby is fine of course. For all of you who didn't know, she's pregnant again. And it's another girl, which is funny because she wanted a boy. Anyway, back on topic. The hospital is just keeping her overnight for tests and stuff, so she should be fine.
And Fourth, we're going camping with Destiny this weekend, so that will help with April's recovery.
Hmm, I haven't really written anything about me yet, so here goes. Fifth thing. The ex called. No, not Josh. Him, I can actually get along with. No, I'm talking about the weird-psycho-stalker. Yeah, you guessed it. Zac. Anyway, to sum it up... here's a slight conversation that we had on the phone.
Jenn: "Hello?"
Zac: "Hey, do you remember me?"
Jenn: -rolls eyes- "No, I have no idea who this is." -sarcasm-
Zac: "Oh."
Jenn: "Of course I know who this is. I'm not stupid."
Zac: "Oh. haha. So, I was wondering if you were busy next weekend."
Jenn: "Umm, not that I know of. But, something might always come up."
Zac: "Well, will you try and not plan anything?"
Jenn: "Sure."
-Silence for awhile-
Zac: "So, I finally figured out what you do on the computer."
Jenn: "What's that?"
Zac: "Y'know how you go online and talk to your friends?"
Jenn: "Yeah."
Zac: "Well, what site do you go to? Like what is it? Is it something like MySpace?"
Jenn: "What are you talking about?"
Zac: "When you Role Play or whatever and you talk to your friends. Is that anything like MySpace or what?"
Jenn: "Umm, no."
Zac: "What is it then?"
Jenn: "It's just through Yahoo Messenger. MySpace is something totally different."
Zac: "Oh. Well, I know nothing about computers."
Jenn: "I can see that."
-After about 5 minutes of not talking-
Zac: "So, what's new with you?"
Jenn: "Not much. Still the same."
Zac: "Did you go visit your friend on the 4th of July?"
Jenn: "Oh yeah, I went to Tennessee. Got a little burnt but it was fun."
Zac: "Oh yeah. Cool cool."
Jenn: "Mhm"
Zac: "Are you mad that I called?"
Jenn: "Why would I be mad?"
Zac: "I don't know."
Then he goes on about going into the Navy or something. I wasn't really paying attention. Something about not being able to make it in the roofing business, so he's going to the Navy. Anyway ....
-After about 10 minutes of not talking-
Zac: "You still don't talk much."
Jenn: "Yeah, that's me."
Zac: "Yeah, I guess. Why don't you wanna talk to me?"
Jenn: "Because I have nothing to say."
Zac: "So, you don't even wanna be friends anymore?"
Jenn: "Why do you, do that?"
Zac: "Do what?"
Jenn: "Just because I don't talk, doesn't mean I don't want to be friends. If I didn't want to talk to you, I'd hang up."
He has this thing about making fun of himself, and being negative, and insecure. It's just annoying.
Zac: "I guess you're right. So, will you be online tonight?"
Jenn: "I am online right now."
Zac: "Yeah, but will you be on in like 15 minutes?"
Jenn: "Uh, yeah."
Zac: "Okay good. Because I'm going to IM you. You might talk more that way."
Jenn: "Sure, okay."
Zac: "If I IM you, will you answer?"
Jenn: -sigh- "Mhm..."
Zac: "Okay, be on in a minute."
By the way, he never did get on! Lucky me.