»Wednesday, July 27, 2005«
The Fair...
I've been busy doing so much stuff lately and I haven't been able to spend much time with my friends that are actually face to face with me. I've spent a lot of time on the net lately trying to get web pages and sites up to date, that I've actually abandoned them all together. So, I'm gonna be gone this Saturday, due to fair stuff that I'm gonna be helping my family with. And plus, I'm taking my friends out to see a movie. And my twin brothers' b-day is on Friday, so I probably won't be on then either. I will be here on Sunday, of course, to spend time with my online friends. I hope you don't miss me too much, as I will be back soon.
Blessed Be,
»Wednesday, July 06, 2005«
Finding My Way
Okay, I'm back and I think I've figured this thing out...thanks to Justin for the links, love you! Well, anyway..the holiday was fun. We watched fireworks and had a nice little picnic.......until it started to rain!! Why God, why!? So, unfair...but thankfully everyone didnt get too wet. My kittens are now 3 weeks old and getting cuter by the minute...if you want one...call me..Lol Caycie is finally back...Woot! and Josh is back..double Woot! And Justin is such a great friend...Triple Woot! points for him..hehe.. Well, im just rambling now..so Imma go..ttyl..
Blessed Be,
»Monday, July 04, 2005«
Fourth of July!!
Sorry, but this is gonna be short and sweet because I'm new to this site...those are my kittens. Aren't they the cutest things ever!? I'll post more pics when they get bigger. Okay I guess I'm going now. I'll write more later..
Blessed Be,