»Monday, August 29, 2005«
Hmmm...for the lack of a better title.
"I really have nothing new to talk about at the moment, since I just woke up. Yes, I know it's almost 3:00 in the afternoon but still...I will come back and post later when I'm done eating. Oh, gawd he is hott. I can't stop looking at that picture... lol.. Okay, I'm going now.." -saunters out-
Blessed Be,
"Okay, I'm back now. I was playing a computer game, The Sims 2 and now I can officially say that Sims Kee is knocked up once again. I have no idea if it's gonna be a girl or a boy, but let's HOPE...lol.. that it is a girl. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I have this Role Play I'm doing with Leo and Kee and their 2 kids, NeVaeh and Kolby...well now Kee is pregnant again, so I had to go in the game and make her pregnant too. hehe It was fun.. lol ..Anyway, she's pregnant now...and the baby's name is going to be Hope....and I don't have to worry about playing the game again and updating it for another 9 months. Okay, I'm not gonna be on Friday, because I have to work late..so I guess that means I'll be back on the weekend...unless of course I have to work the weekend too. It's complicated that I really don't know my schedule but that's just because I'm weird... :| Well, I guess I'll post something else later because I have no idea of what else to say right at this moment..."
Blessed Be,
»Sunday, August 28, 2005«
Well, I'm back from my family reunion. It's was fricken awesome! A couple of my cousins that were my age showed up...(Tommy and Brett) ..I haven't seen them in like 7 years or so..and they've changed A LOT! But anywho, Brett has a son now and he's so cute. Destiny was there, of course and she made quite a few friends on the playground near the reunion. My friend Abby and I was playing on the playground just before everyone got there. It was this huge Play Thing, we called it the Millennium Falcon, because the little kids on there liked Star Wars. The little boy kept on telling Abby and I that he was in love with us. And his sister is like, "Don't do that anymore, you know mom told you not to say that to all the teenage girls you see..." But it was so cute, because he kept saying it...and NO this was not one of my relatives. Lol The reunion was great, the food was great and my family is weird....according to Abby. At the end of the day...everyone broke out into a water fight.. :P It was ........interesting. I got like 6 people soaked. I had a lot of fun..and am definitely looking forward to next year. Ttyl.
Blessed Be,
»Friday, August 26, 2005«
Lilly Skywalker!
I got my friend coming over here tonight...and she's gonna be staying the weekend, so I don't know how much I am going to be online. But I will definitely try to be on. SO Gotta finish that past RP. Anyway, I also have another family reunion on Saturday...and I won't be online until Sunday night. Probably real late too, because I have to go to my whore cousins Bridal Shower. She's such a tramp. She's 19 and she's already cheated on her fiancé
like10 times now. I give it two weeks, if they even get married that is. Now my Uncle is on me and my sisters backs about getting engaged. We're like "WTF! we're not gonna rush into getting married just because everyone else is.." Besides, I'd only marry that fast if it were Brian Krause or someone even hotter like Tom Welling or Justin Hartley :P. Oh, by the way, my aunt April, who's 26, is also getting married. She's the mother of Destiny. I guess April and Tom (Des' dad) got back together after he left his wife again. Yeah my aunt is a f-in home wrecker, just like Keeleigh :P lol..I'm kidding Caycie.. But, on a happier note....This Reunion is gonna be not so bad because my mom is throwing it...and at a park no less. Instead of the one I went to last week that was in a fricken garage. But anywho, this one won't be so bad because I'm gonna have Abby (Lilly) there with me to talk to. So, That's it for now....post later.
Blessed Be,
-Jennifer Marie Krause-
»Monday, August 22, 2005«
OMG! -cries- Brian Krause, is so hott!
-ahem- "Anyway, why isn't anyone leaving comments on my posts anymore? I've just noticed that...I like to hear what ya'll think. Please respond..and thanks.." -smiles- "Does anyone watch Charmed? I think Season 8 is really gonna be a drag...and not just because Brian's appearance is cut short, but because their ideas are getting really lame and unoriginal. But that's just my opinion, what do you all think? Ya'll better say he is sexy.." :p
Blessed Be,
»Sunday, August 21, 2005«
The Boyfriend!
I wish people would just back the fuck off of Josh....If you have a problem with him, tell him and deal with it..don't pretend you like him just because of me, dammit! I'm not a reason to like someone. That's fucking ridiculous. I don't care if you hate him. That's fine and dandy. But don't lie about it and pretend to like him, just because of me. That has nothing to do with friendship. And Josh, knock off your fucking getting high all the time or we're over!
»Friday, August 19, 2005«
Confused and Frustrated!
Some people might say I'm a little over dramatic, but this is the way that I feel. And it hurts so bad knowing that someone you care about doesn't like you as much as you do them. And you can't help but wonder if their holding up a front. Pretending to like you for some odd reason, or for a particular person. But they can't tell you because said reason or said person would disapprove of it. Sometimes I feel like I don't belong in the group of friends that I am in. On most days I get along great with some of them, but other days I just don't fit in. And it's on those days with those said people, where I doubt my whole friendships with them all together. And people who don't appreciate my groups and the hard work that I put into my pages, I don't get along with very well. So, if you have a problem with me, fine. You should be honest about it and don't pretend to want to be apart of something and than change your mind at the last minute without any explanation, and disappoint me. It doesn't have to be this complicated. When people say they care about me and that they'll always be there for me, it means a lot. And then to just go and take all that away in a split second, doesn't make you a very great, so called "friend". If you really cared, than you'd just be honest and upfront in the first place. But it's not always like that. Most people have to go on wondering if their friends are really their friends, or if they have your back or not. I guess now a days it does have to be that complicated. What bothers me most is when people tell you they like you, but then a split second later they're ragging on you. What's worse is when they tell you "It's nothing personal", or "No offense". Why do people always say no offense, when they're about to offend someone? Gets you thinking about who really likes you and who doesn't. It's more than just saying you're friends with someone. You gotta act like it, dammit! Now, this isn't a cry for attention. Someone told me to be honest and say what I feel, and that's exactly what I'm doing. If you think it's you who I'm talking about, don't hesitate to ask me about it and I'll be honest with you. Just don't get mad when you're the one who pisses me off.
Blessed Be,
»Saturday, August 13, 2005«
Ceaser Land!
Hey all, I took my little cousin, Destiny (3) to Ceaser Land. It's kind of like Chuckie Cheese, but it's a little Ceaser's. It's a huge play place, but it's very very noisy. It was fun though..and Destiny had fun with the games. There was like this big room made of rubber mats...like the walls, the floors..everything. It was fun to just watch all the kids bouncing around in there. Then there was this huge tunnel/maze looking thing. It took her awhile to go in there because it was so high up..but she eventually did and had a lot of fun. She liked the little kid games but she kept on wanting to play the bigger kid games...and she couldn't even do it right...so we wasted a lot of quarters on that, but it was still fun. We won like 300 tickets and got her a nice prize. And now we're watching The Care Bears II. Well, ttyl.
Blessed Be,
»Monday, August 08, 2005«
Okay, first off, I agree with Caycie and Casey in saying that the Dukes of Hazzard movie is totally worth $6 bucks to see. Maybe even double that. Mr. & Mrs. Smith was an awesome movie too. Just imagine Laura Croft and Rusty Ryan from Oceans Eleven together. Yeah, it's that hilarious! And for Madagascar being an animated movie...it's pretty damn funny! House of Wax was good but it could've been a lot better, in my opinion. Well, that's the movie updates for now. Talk to ya'll later.
Blessed Be,