»Friday, September 30, 2005«
Jennifer, your IQ is 131
IQ Score Range Interpretation:71-85 Below Average Intelligence
86-115 Average Intelligence
116-130 Above Average Intelligence
131-145 Extraordinary Intelligence
146+ Genius
Blessed Be,-Jenn-
»Friday, September 23, 2005«
Okay, well I woke up this morning and nobody was here, and I have no idea where they all went because nobody left me a fricken note!! And I finally got the underline button to work. I had to wait forever to post because I didn't want my writing to be underlined, and do you see an underline button? No! Anywho, my mom told me this morning that our cable was getting shut off...again. -rolls eyes at moms lack of paying her bills on time- And I couldn't go an hour without cable, let alone a week! So, you know what I did? Yes, I paid the damn bill myself. It was $200!! I'm expecting to get that back too. -ahem- Anyway, I was playing my Sims game until the damn internet company turned our service back on. And if you didn't know...I had to get my Sim Kee pregnant because of a Role Play I'm doing. And she finally had her baby. I was so happy. Except for the fact that not only did she have one, she had four!!! Yes, she had quads. I was like, "Damn lady, I only asked for one! Put three back!" I tried to sell some, tried to pawn some off on my neighbors, nothing worked...so I had to keep them. Now I'm raising a 5 year old, a toddler and 4 babies! ........My mom and my brother just got home. Apparently her car broke down on her, on her way home from work and my brother had to go get her. Ah geez...cars these days.
OH! I have an idea! I can raise 4 babies, then when they all get older I can just kick 3 of them out of the house when they turn 18. Ah, excellent. -rubs hands together like Monty Burns- Although, I did pawn one off to Wyatt/Justin. See, their were 3 boys and 1 girl. The girl being named Hope Ann, of course. One of the boys' names were Justin Lee, so I had Justin adopt that one. Oh, and Chris/Josh adopted one too. Whether it was Matthew Elliot or Brendan Michael, I don't know. But, what I do know is that I only have one more little boy left. Any buyers? Lol, just kidding. I did want twins when I had babies irl, but now I'm kinda re-thinking it just a little. I mean 4 babies is a lot of work...and my Sims had to quit their jobs, even when they had a nanny and everything. Anywho, back to my real life. I'm gonna go get something to eat and watch The Longest Yard, saw it when it was in theaters but my brother insists on watching it again. So, I guess I'll ttyal.
Blessed Be,
-Jennifer Marie
»Tuesday, September 20, 2005«
GM Picnic...
Okay, Saturday morning I went to a picnic for my moms work. It was alright I guess. They had the usual stuff...games for the little kids, like candy hunts, sack races, bucket toss, pinyata's and pie eating contest. They had stuff for the adults too, like, water balloon toss, trivia games, and of course there was Bingo. I won $1.00 lol But anyway, there was also a raffle and stuff..and I won a really cool little flashlight thing, and this really cool looking purple and black thermos/water jug thing. And after we ate ...I had to judge a dessert contest, so I had to stuff my face when I was already full. And there was this raspberry pie that I had to judge...and I gave it a 0 without even trying it because I hate raspberries. Then, when we were playing Bingo... these gay ass clowns kept yelling out "BINGO!, just kidding.." It was so fricken annoying, I wanted to get up and just punch one in the face. Especially when the chick had only called out like 3 numbers. There's no possible way anyone could even win yet. Then the fat clown came over and asked if I wanted a balloon made. Apparently, I look like a little kid. -sighs- But anywho, I told him if he could make me a Charmed balloon than I would want it....and he was all like, a what? ... I hate clowns with a passion.....they're worse than mimes. After Bingo we all went home because I was bored out of my skull. But, yeah, that's what happened on Saturday.. ttyl
Blessed Be,
»Tuesday, September 13, 2005«
Brian/Leo fans....
"Wow, I got like a dozen people asking me if they could help with the castration of Brad Kern. That is so cool that there are so many Leo fans out there.... I love ya all. And Brad Kern won't dare mess with us.." -hugs the Leo fans- "Anyway, I just wanted to point that out...I will post later.."
Blessed Be,-Jenn-
»Monday, September 12, 2005«
Hello, my beautiful readers..
"Okay, so I'm back and I guess since I haven't posted in awhile I should actually have something remotely interesting to talk about huh? Well, I guess I do...a lot actually, so here it goes. My sister came to visit us awhile ago, with my little cousin Destiny. We all went to the beach and went out for ice-cream, where I work. A couple days after that. My mom, brother and I all went Up North to Mount Pleasant..to go to my twin brothers house and see if they wanted to go out to dinner, but they weren't there. So, we ended up going to the Casino, because we figured that's where else they would be..because they're always there. Anyway, we found them there playing poker..and my dad was there too, so they put a hold on their games and we all went out to dinner. It was at Taco Bell, but hell..it was damn good :P . After that we dropped the twins and my dad back off at the casino, and then we went to Joann's fabrics store...and my brother bought some sewing stuff. Yeah, he sows -blinks- Anywho, after that I made my mom take me to Best Buy, so I could get the Charmed Season 2 DVD box set. After that ..we went home and I put in Charmed and watched the whole thing. I actually saw some stuff that I haven't seen, or remembered before. I saw a couple of mistakes on the shows behalf, but it was all good, because I love Charmed no matter what. Well, not no matter what...I mean if they killed off Leo ...I would fly to L.A. and personally cut off Brad Kerns balls with a meat cleaver and throw them into a boiling vat of chicken grease, but that's just me.... lol. After Charmed I got online and talked to Britt, Caycie, Kody and Josh. We tried to get an RP started but it didn't really happen. Oh well. Anyway, earlier tonight Caycie and I rp'd for a little bit..then she left at 3:00 am. I guess that's all I have to say right now. My fingers are too cold to type anymore..and I'm kinda tired..so I will post back later."
Blessed Be,
-Jenn Krause-
»Wednesday, September 07, 2005«
Bummed Out...
"Okay, I just found out that I cannot go to California with Josh in March. He forgot to disclose some important information. Like the fact that he's actually going with his class as a school trip instead of going on his own. And here I thought I would actually get to drive down their with him and spend a week with him, but I guess not.." -sighs dramatically- "Anywho, I guess I can like go buy a car or something with my money now..." -saunters out and to a local car shop- "I hope ya'll are having a better day than I am..." Talk to you later..
Blessed Be,
»Tuesday, September 06, 2005«
Bored as Hell...
Okay, well, here I am ....just sitting her at my computer desk.....bored as hell. I guess I'll just start by sitting back and typing whatever keys my fingers punch. -sighs-
I'm actually quite sick at the moment...not mentally either, physically .. lol.. Anyway, I was sick all last night and I had to keep a box of tissues next to my bed. Right now I can't stop sniffling.
I'm listening to the radio right now....about hurricanes and how our president doesn't like black people : .....I really don't understand our world...everything is so complicated. I would really like to go up to president BUSH and kick him in the balls just like every other person on the planet wants to...but whatever. I guess we'll just have to settle with this image.
But anywho, Caycie just got back last night/this morning and I stayed up and Rp'd with her for a bit. I felt like crap, sniffleing and sneezing every five minutes..but I missed her so much...and I didn't wanna go to bed..because I couldn't sleep. I'm also excited about Spring Break. I'm not sure if I'm going with Josh to California yet or not....I have like $3,084 in the bank...so that's not a problem. I have to see if he actually wants me to go with him or not...and also I have to find a way to get a week off of work. -sighs again- Life is so comlicated. I know I said that already but anyway, I'm like so far behind in all my Role Play sites...and that's mostly why I haven't posted on here in awhile. Jenny is leaving for a week, next Monday. -sniffles- And that's not because I'm sick...I'm really going to miss her. I think I'm going to some kind of crafts thing with my mom and Destiny sometime this week, but I'm not sure when yet. I will let ... "Gawd, I can't stop sneezing, I think I'm allergic to my computer.." Anyway, as I was saying...I will let ya'll know what day I'm leaving so you know that I won't be on. But, I'm actually gonna go now..because I feel like crap and I think I need some soup and some sleep. I will be back on later tonight. Much Love..
Blessed be,