»Sunday, April 30, 2006«
-- Josh's House --

Okay, well I've been at Josh's house for the past week, and I'm just now getting home. We had alot of fun -- had some badtimes, but still wound up in eachothers arms in the morning .. .. Zac called me, when I was over there -- and I was like "What do you want?"He ended up talking to me about his dad going to the casino and losing all his money, and him quitting his job -- blah blah blah .. Then he asked me if I wanted to hang out sometime.. and I'm like "As Friends right?" and he's like "Yah, of course...we've tried it the other way..and it just didn't work out.." and I'm like "Yah -- so when? Because I'm not home right now and I don't know when I will be.." and he asked me where I was ..I said Grand Rapids... then Josh asked me something.....and Zac's like "Who's that?" and I say "Josh...." ...and it was so funny, because Zac's like "I'll call you back later.." lmao..and I'm like "Okay bye.." and then hung up.. Before, I told him not to call me anymore, because I couldn't stand talking to him on the phone, because it's always about him and his job, and his friends, just him him him .. He wrote me by e-mail...and I wrote him back, because I told him that it was okay ....but then he hadn't written me back in like a month -- and now he just up and decides to call me? Weird. Yesterday, when Josh dropped me off at Aprils house, we all went up to the Casino -- for her birthday. Her car is awesome. It has a TV, a DVD player, a VCR, and you can even listen to a different radio station in the backseat -- with headphones. You could also hook up a nintendo system, and I was going to hook up my X-box and play it, all the way up to Mount Pleasant, but I didn't have a power adapter that would hook up to her Lighter thingie. It was fun anyway though -- she had one of Destiny's movies "Finding Nemo" in the back, so I popped that in and watched it. When we got to the casino, Zac called me again, and I was like "I can't talk right now...I'm at the casino now.." and he kept on saying "What? I can't hear you.." Because it was really bad reception...and I'm like "I have to go now..." But he kept on yelling at people in the background.." I'm like "Zac, I'm going now....I cant talk.." But he still wouldn't listen, and April and Bryan were waiting on me to get off the phone, so I just hung up on him.... lmao. When we got into the casino, we didn't find my mom right away, so we went to the poker room, and found my dad playing Texas Hold Em' .. I watched him for awhile...than we went to go page my mom. After that, April, Me, Mom and Bryan ..went to go play some slot machines. Then I went back up to go watch my dad play some poker. My brothers were there, but they didn't stay very long -- they both left before we got there. Dad lost $200 on the poker table. Mom and Bryan lost money too, and I lost $25 on the Slot machines, but April won $80. But they still wanted to stay longer, so I ended up going with my dad -- back to the Twin's house. We played cards, and watched some comedy on tv. Apparently, Johnnie has a new Girlfriend, Jamie, for like 2 months now. That just proves that nobody tells me anything anymore.. After Mom, April and Bryan were done at the casino, they went to the Twin's house to pick me up, the four of us went out to eat. And Zac called me AGAIN! .. The minute I picked up the phone, April was like "She doesn't wanna talk to you! We don't like you, we like Josh now!" and all this stuff. I don't know if he heard it or not, but it was funny. And when we got inside, I was trying to look at the menu and everything, all while trying to hold a conversation with him. I think he was having a party over there, because there was so much noise in the background ... one of his friends -- the one who threatened to kick my ass if I ever broke up with Zac -- well, she was all like "Hello Zac's Girlfriend!" and I'm like "I am not Zac's girlfriend, thank you very much.." into the phone. Gawd, that pisses me off so much when people do that. He probably didn't even tell any of his friends that we broke up. *rolls eyes* That's probably why he keeps calling me. Well, talk to ya'll later ..
Blessed Be,
P.S. -- I've changed the comment settings, to where anyone can comment on my Blog, even if they don't have Blogger themselves.
»Wednesday, April 26, 2006«
The Carnival ..

Okay, so -- I went to the Carnival today with my brother, Andy. He even let me drive his car all the way down there, it was fun. It was a pretty small carnival, with not many rides and games, but it was entertaining none the less. While we were walking around the Carni's were yelling out to my brother. One was all like "Win the beautiful lady a prize.." and my brothers like "No." ...and he's like "Why not, are you mad at her?" lol -- I laughed so hard...and than we just kept on walking right...and the carni's like "It's okay honey, you're next boyfriend'll buy you something!" ...really lound across the park. I was like "Umm, eww ..that's disgusting...he's my brother!" Anyway -- The first game we played, was this shot gun game. Andy was trying to win a big ole' stuffed animal, but he couldn't. And the Carni kept on calling him "Boss" -- it was too funny! Then the next game, we both played. It was that pop-the-balloon-and-win-a-picture game. Well, Andy got hit the first two balloons ...and then he missed the last one -- but the carni threw a dart and popped a balloon..and he's all like "I heard it pop didn't you?" ..and he gave Andy a picture anyway. His said "Get Er' Done" on it. Then when I was up ..I threw 3 darts -- but didn't hit any balloons. Well, I did hit one thing -- I hit the flippen' picture with the last dart that I threw. It says "Playmate" on it. He's like -- "Well, since you hit it, I guess you win it..." ..and he gave it to me anyway. Lol -- he was so awesome. We didn't ride any rides though, because there weren't really any good ones -- mostly kiddie rides. After that, we both went and tried to throw these ping pong balls into fish tanks, to win a goldfish. Well, it was $1 for 7 balls, so Andy gave her a $1 and I gave her a $10 bill. She took my $10 and then gave me $9 back, but then she told me to pick up the one my brother just sat down -- and she's like "That's yours too.." So, I took it...and I guess I got to play for free. lol. We didn't win anything, but oh well -- I don't even take care of the Beta fish that I have now.
Blessed Be,
»Tuesday, April 18, 2006«
~*My Weekend*~

Okay, lets see....my weekend was good. I spent Friday - Monday at Josh's house, so that's probably why - okay so it is why. lol. Easter was fun, Josh and I, and my two cousins, hid eggs for Destiny. She ended up getting them hid for her like 10 times ..but at least she had fun with it. My aunt April is only 6 weeks pregnant, but you can still tell she's pregnant -- or maybe that's just because she's a little bit chubby. lol. My aunt and my mother both think that Josh looks like my Uncle Ron -- it's kind of annoying when they keep saying it, but oh well. And April was asking Josh...if he ever got me to talk. I talk -- sometimes .. lol. Speaking of my Uncle Ron -- He came up to me and put his arm around me and said "It's about time you got another boyfriend.." I'm like, ugh yah...I just broke up with a boy like 2 months ago -- did you not hear about him? [Zac, for all of you who are wondering] He's like "Apparently not. Why did you break up?" And I told him that he was an Asshole, and my Uncle asked why, and I told him..because he was clingy, and way too insecure for my taste -- just like I told Zac. It was funny....but yah...and he's like. "Well, I'm glad that you found someone that you can stand.." lmao. And oh yes, my cousin Craig ...when Josh was outside smoking -- he asked me if I was gonna get married. *blinks* I'm like...Dude, we've only been dating for like a week or something. And he's like, "So, do you wanna marry him anyway?" and I'm like -- Just because your sister got married at 19, doesn't mean that everyone has to jump into a relationship. And he's like "I was just wondering." ....and I'm like...Oh yes...we're gonna go elope right now.... *rolls eyes* But of course, I was just kidding, but I don't know if he took it that way because he laughed at me. Then later when we were leaving to go back to Josh's house, Craigs like "Where are you going? Are you leaving?" and I said something like...yes, we are because you're annoying...lol...but he knew I was kidding. And he said something about -- going into the back of Aprils truck or something like that ...*Rolls eyes again* My family is so weird.....Anyway, everything went fine when I was over there, but when my mom picked me up on Monday -- she told me everything that my grandma was bitching about when everyone left. I was like ....Omg, I am so glad that I left when I did...because if she would've said anything to me that would've embarrassed me infront of Josh...I so wouldn't have kept my mouth shut that time. My mom always says "She doesn't know what she's talking about..just ignore her." And I do -- most of the time. But I don't think I wanna keep my mouth shut anymore...because maybe I'm the only one who will tell her, what everyone else is too afraid to say. Well, me and April of course. My Grandma just gets drunk and bitches....that's all she does. She puts her nose in other peoples business...and she has no idea what she's talking about most of the time. And she definetly has no room to talk, because she's done worse things than any of us -- but no...she doesn't bring that up, now does she? It just gets on my last nerve. Fortunetly, I wasn't there to hear it -- this time. Anyway, enough about my crazy grandma -- Josh and I had fun.....and I can't wait to see him again.....blah..the whole IM thing is okay and everything...but I still miss him when he's not around. And yes -- for all of you that I promised a picture of the two of us together. I will put it up....but I have yet to take one. I was going to do it this past weekend ..but I forgotted..lol. Well, I guess that's pretty much everything, so I will ttyl.
Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,
»Wednesday, April 12, 2006«
-- The Park --
Well, if you don't already know -- I am babysitting Destiny until this Friday. She's been pretty good so far...but she did get me up at 2 this morning..and I haven't been able to get back to sleep since. Oh well, I guess. Anyway, yesterday..I took her to the park ...and I got some cute pictures. And also, I must say..that I don't really like being the "Big kid" at the park, because all the little kiddies expect you to push them on everything. It was pretty fun at first..but then I took Destiny to the Merry-Go-Round and the little kids wouldn't stop asking me to push the darn thing. By the end of the day ..my hands really really hurt. Then a little while after that...we lost Destiny -- Yes, we lost Destiny in the park. My mom and I were just sitting on a bench talking...then all of a sudden ..Destiny is gone. We're like "Oh Shit!" But we did end up finding her, and she got in trouble for not telling us ..before she just runs off. After the park, we went to Culvers and had dinner and ice-cream. It was really good. And I still can't wait until Friday. The whole weekend at Josh's house....then he's gonna come spend Easter with my family. Should be fun ...lol ..I hope. Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to say for now. Ttyl --

Blessed Be,
»Saturday, April 08, 2006«
Friday Night!

Blessed Be,
»Thursday, April 06, 2006«

Okay, I just re-read through all my posts -- quite entertaining actually. Anyway, I just realized that there's a lot of stuff that I haven't updated. First off, here are my cats ...we only have two now, but here they are -- all grown up. Well, maybe just teenagers .. lol. That's Bishop and Precious.

And, I wanted to show ya'll a picture of my cousin, Stephanie, who I think looks like Jessica Simpson. But here is a pic of her. And I know I've probably told a couple of you already, through IM, but I'm just now gonna post it on my blog just incase some of you don't already know. But, my Aunt April [Destiny's mom], is pregnant again. I think it's cool and everything, but it's pretty sad that I've never even met the father, lol. Anyway, it turns out that the father is actually my cousin Stephanies, Aunts, Son. *Blinks* "No relation to me or April, but still.....kinda weird." But, they aren't together anymore because she got pregnant and he doesn't want a baby -- blah blah blah. My Drunken-dumb-ass Grandma wants her to get an abortion. Well, she has no room to talk...seeing as how ...uhh lets see...none of her 4 kids have the same father. ..Anyway, April's not going to do it. She wants it to be a boy, cuz she already has a girl, and my mom was teasing her about having TWINS, because they run in the family, and April freaked out. lol. Well, I think that's just about it.
Blessed Be,
The New Guy
Okay, I got bored on MySpace, so I started looking up people from my old high school -- in Hesperia. Well, I came across a couple of people that I knew. One, would be a friend of my older brothers [Joshua], and his g/f Suzie -- who is my brothers ex. Long story, dont ask. And the other two are friends that I knew in the 9th grade. Ironically, the guys name is also Josh. Well, we've been talking and ...we've decided to go out on Friday night, to dinner and a movie. I'm kind of excited but nervous at the same time. I'll let ya'll know how it goes...
Blessed Be,
Blessed Be,